
1757 Golf Academy

April 23, 2014
Come be a part of the Ultimate Youth Golf Camp at NOVA’s premier golf facility – 1757 Golf Club. The half- and full-day summer golf camps feature top-quality instruction and students will enjoy a week of instruction beginning with the fundamentals and concluding with a day of skills challenges and prizes! The Academy Building is centrally located to keep our youth golfers immersed in golf activities from the moment of arrival through the time of departure. After care is also available.

Spring Break Camp 3/30 to 4/3
6/22- 6/26
6/29 - 7-1 Three Days Only
7/6 - 7/10
7/13 - 7/17 Advanced Camp & Half Day Camps
7/20 - 7/24
7/27 - 7/31
8/3 - 8/7
8/10 - 8/14
8-17 - 8/21
8/24 - 8/28

Every Week we offer Both Half Day and Full Day camps unless otherwise noted.
Camps are 9:00-12:00 for Half Day
9:00 -4:00 for Full Day (After care is available)
Prices are $299 for Half Day and $535 for Full Day.

We are currently offering Early Registration Discounts until May 1, 2015. Use the code MACKID15 for $10 off your registration fee!

After Care is available for full day campers until 6:00 pm. Call the Academy for pricing.

Visit or website at Click on the Game Improvement section and then the camps heading.

You may contact us by calling the Golf Academy office and speak with Golf Academy Director Tim Brogan at 703-444-0901 or email him at